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皂 Soap | 漢麻 Hemp

澳門元MOP 80

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舒緩、呵護 Soothing & Caring


Bounty Himalaya Nepalese Handmade Soap. Prepared in the traditional soap-making method. Each soap bar carries the care and blessing of the soap crafters.

不含動物脂肪、化學物質(如SLS 十二烷基硫酸鈉 / SLES十二烷基聚氧乙醚硫酸鈉),不經動物測試

The soap is cruelty-free from animal fat and harmful chemicals like SLS and SLES.

包裝採用尼泊爾獨有的手工紙 Lokta,代表尼泊爾人最崇高的祝賀。

The packaging of Nepal’s unique handmade Lokta paper represents the Nepalese's noblest congratulations.

此項目為 神靈董事會後援會 Deities' FC 訂閱成員提供折扣禮遇


Hemp Seed Oil has been considered an excellent product for skin use. It is a natural moisturizer, an excellent emollient and nutritionally rich. In addition, it provides healthy, effective treatment for various skin disorders.

The HEMP SOAP prepare in the traditional soap-making method. Along with hemp seed oil, the finest quality ingredients have been chosen and used for hair and skin care purposes in the Himalayan tradition for an extended period.

The HEMP SOAP improves complexion providing an elegant skin feel. Regular use of this soap protects skin cells from ageing. As the soaps are handcrafted, they contain natural glycerin that helps the skin retain its natural moisture.


重量 100 公克
尺寸 6 × 6 × 2.5 公分
尼泊爾手工製香梘成份 Ingredients of Bounty Himalaya

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Rua do Brandao No. 1C-3B, EDF. Kam Fai, R/C - B